To raise awareness and understanding of MPAC 2025 among relevant CLMV agencies, academic institutions, and other relevant stakeholders.

Workshop on Facilitation of Blue Growth in Aquaculture in ASEAN through Sustainable Intensification.
ASEAN nations have been working together in last decade at both policy and farm levels to harmonize aquaculture practices and certification schemes, and facilitate regional aquaculture trade.

ASEAN-China Cooperation on Peatland Conservation
To implement the ASEAN-China Environmental Protection Cooperation Strategy 2009-2015, by sharing experience and best practices on peatland conservation through a Seminar.

Workshop on Harmonisation on the Registration / Accreditation of ISPM15 Service Providers
This project is in line with the objectives of ASEAN Economic Blueprint 2025, under C5 – Food, Agriculture and Forestry where the harmonization of ISPM15 among the AMS could be…

AICHR Youth Debate on Human Rights 2018
The three-day event fulfilled its objectives in raising awareness of the young people of ASEAN about the AICHR and human rights.