ACCF-Supported Project: ASEAN Vaccine Network Workshop on 14-15 September 2022
AMT delegate delivered a session in the Workshop and attended the implementation of the ACCF-PROMPT project title “ASEAN Vaccine Security and Self-Reliance through the ASEAN-China Cooperation Partnership 2022-2025” in Bangkok, Thailand. Proponent: National Vaccine Institution (NVI), Ministry of Health, Thailand.
This project’s overall aim is to advocate the successful implementation of the Strategic Plan and Action Plan on AVSSR. Specifically, it aims to prioritize the ‘timely and equitable access to affordable and quality-assured COVID-19 vaccines’ as recommended by SOMHD by operationalising the following Regional Strategies:
- Establish a system for monitoring and evaluating the plan’s implementation (encompassing communication and coordination) through the establishment of the ASEAN Vaccine Network on AVSSR and the development of a framework for collaboration with Dialogue and Development Partners;
- Strengthen the capacity of key stakeholders to promote vaccine security in ASEAN by accelerating interventions on vaccine and biologics research and development through collaboration with potential vaccine-developing partners such as China’
- Establish a system for monitoring and evaluating the plan’s implementation (encompassing communication and coordination) through the establishment of the ASEAN Vaccine Network on AVSSR and the development of a framework for collaboration with Dialogue and Development Partners.
The three main key project outputs are 1) Strengthening of mechanisms to support knowledge exchange through technology transfer, information sharing, and forward-thinking innovations that benefit the growth; 2) Development of a framework for collaboration with Dialogue and Development Partners regarding vaccine research and development; 3) Acceleration of creating interventions on vaccine and biologics research and development.
To Establish or strengthen mechanisms for knowledge exchange in support of AVSSR by focusing on technology transfer, information sharing, and forward-thinking innovations that benefit the growth of ASEAN’s vaccine opportunities, the project conduct the Workshop (Hybrid) in Bangkok, Thailand on 14-15 September 2022, to get updated information and added knowledge from the stakeholders. After the workshop, NVI will produce the Concept note of the ASEAN Vaccine Baseline Survey (AVBS).
AMT delegates are PM. Gu Junjie and PM Nopparuth Ruengrangskul attended and monitored as well as provided facilitation to the Ambassador of the PR China Embassy to Thailand and his team.
PM Gu Junjie was also assigned to deliver “Session 5: ASEAN Perspective in vaccine manufacturing capacity development through ASEAN Partnership framework; Political driven and opportunity from cross-regional partnerships. Topic: The Chinese government’s contribution and supportive mechanism to the ASEAN toward vaccine security and self-reliance, as well as pandemic prevention and regulation.”
During the workshop, AMT delegates also provide information and consultation about ACCF, an especially the PROMPT programme to the other delegates. AMT also organised the special session of the ACCF Programme and Promotion for the delegates from the ASEAN Member States on 15 September 2022 from 13.00 – 15.30 PM.
Link to the News report: